the most popular duck

The Kodak duck, also known as the Indian Runner duck, is a domestic duck breed characterized by its tall stature, upright posture, and distinctive upright posture. They are known for their excellent egg production and friendly behavior, making them a popular choice for backyard poultry lovers.

Kodak ducks were originally bred in Indonesia and brought to Europe in the 19th century. They were later introduced to the United States and have since become a popular breed among duck owners.

Breeding Kodak ducks is relatively easy as they are prolific layers and will often go broody if allowed. They are also easy to mate and breeding pairs usually produce a large number of healthy ducklings.

To breed Kodak ducks, simply provide them with a suitable nesting site and allow them to mate naturally. Ducklings are usually ready to hatch after 28 days of incubation and will be able to fend for themselves shortly after hatching.

Overall, Kodak ducks are a great choice for those who want to raise ducks for eggs, meat, or simply as pets. Their friendly demeanor and excellent egg-laying abilities make them a great addition to any backyard flock.
